Fill out our waiver and take up to 3 sessions (classes) to decide if we are the right gym home for you! Please let us know when you plan to attend the 1st session (class time and date) and what your fitness background in the last year has been and if you have any injuries we need to be aware of to best help you. If you prefer a phone call first – indicate that on our form and we will schedule that with you asap!
(3+ month of recent exp in the last 2 years)
Try us out for a free consecutive week by first filling out our waiver. Please also let us know your CF background (duration, location, when last did CF in a workout) so we know how best to help you.
Our drop in rate is $10/class. Fill out the form at our Drop In page. Or with the purchase of tee, you get a complete week with us. We let affiliate owners and coaches of other affiliates WOD For free so fill out our free trial link here.